Reminder: SMP Stakeholder Meeting Wednesday, May 15th

May Stakeholder Meeting and Seminar Series Lecture

Please join us on Wednesday, May 15th from 5 – 7pm, in Corless Auditorium, URI-GSO Narragansett Bay Campus for the third RI Shellfish Management Plan (SMP) Stakeholder Meeting.

The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an update of the SMP, including the plan’s progress, on-going projects, and proposed next steps. In addition, we will host the 3rd Seminar in our SMP Seminar Series entitled: “Room Enough For Everyone? Addressing User Conflicts in Narragansett Bay and the Coastal Ponds.” Our panelists will speak about the myriad of marine activities and audiences present in the Bay and ponds, many of them competing for the same spaces. How do we balance uses, needs, and future growth? Panelists will speak about the concept of “social carrying capacity” and possible strategies to minimize conflicts on the water. Your questions and discussion are highly encouraged. We hope you will join us and send this invitation to others you think would be interested in this topic.

For space considerations, please RSVP to and be sure to include the meeting date.

Stakeholder Meeting and Seminar Series Lecture
When: Wednesday, May 15, 5 – 7 p.m.
Where: Corless Auditorium, Watkins Building URI Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett Bay Campus Directions to the Bay Campus. Watkins Building is number 27 on the map.