Taking Stock of Currents and Quahogs

Shared on behalf of 41°N, Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine, a publication of Rhode Island Sea Grant and the Coastal Institute at the University of Rhode Island.
Author – Zoe Gentes
“Over 39 million clams were harvested from Narragansett Bay in 2012, supporting a $5.15 million commercial fishing industry, according to figures by Jeff Mercer, principal biologist in marine fisheries for the R.I> Department of Environmental Management (DEM).”
“The estimates of clams in the Bay are used to set fishing limits. In Rhode Island, commercial shellfishermen use a bull rake for harvesting clams. The DEM, however, uses a hydraulic dredge to collect clams for population estimates. Fisherman say that the dredging method of harvesting is inefficient and inaccurate, and is likely to result in unnecessary limits on the commercial fishing operations.”
Read the full article here!