Poll to gauge aquaculture, salt-pond use

Shared on behalf of the: Westerly Sun
Researchers at the University of Rhode Island are directing two studies: a statewide survey collecting people’s insights on shellfish farms and another which looks at commercial and recreational activities in Quonochontaug, Ninigret and Point Judith.
The survey has been spread throughout RI to farmers, commercial harvesters and waterfront property owners. The study is led by Tracy Dalton a URI marine affairs professor, and measures how many shellfish farms people are ready to accept in Narragansett Bay and the salt ponds.
David Beutel, aquaculture coordinator for the Coastal Resources Management Council, hopes the study will help Rhode Islanders understand aquaculture and collect information that is hard to acquire. Dalton also anticipates knowledge from the surveyors about how much support they are willing to give.
To read the full article by Cynthia Drummond click here.