Ninigret Pond: Historical Perspectives and Current Uses

Join us for this joint presentation by Pam Lyons of the Charlestown Historical Society, Sarah Schumann, author of Rhode Island’s Shellfish Heritage: An Ecological History, and Matt Behan of Behan Family Farms.
Monday, February 22, 2016
5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Kettle Pond Visitors Center, 50 Bend Road, Charlestown, RI
Rhode Island’s salt ponds have a long, vibrant history. With a focus on Ninigret Pond, this talk will explore post-colonial pond life, feature historical maps and photographs, and examine critical contexts of a changing landscape and the growth of shellfish farming. Refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP to Azure Cygler, Coastal Resources Center and Rhode Island Sea Grant extension specialist, at
This talk is the first in a series of educational presentations about Rhode Island’s salt ponds and their uses, especially shellfish farming. Join us and hear from experts, tour a working shellfish farm, visit a shellfish nursery, and talk to community members, policy-makers, and researchers. To see other upcoming events, go to
This series is sponsored by Rhode Island Sea Grant and the Coastal Resources Center at the URI Graduate School of Oceanography, in collaboration with Roger Williams University and the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council, supported by a grant from the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program.