Funding Available to Address Seafood Systems Issues

Funding Available to Address Seafood Systems Issues

If you are a member of the Rhode Island seafood industry – a processor, harvester, grower, wholesaler, retailer, or other seafood business – funding is available for research projects to address issues you may be facing.
If you have a concern or an idea for a research project that would address a seafood systems issue, please reach out to the Partnership for Research Excellence in Sustainable Seafood (PRESS). We will help you determine whether your idea is potentially eligible for funding through our grant, and will pair you up with a researcher from an eligible institution to help develop a short proposal. These proposals will be reviewed by topic-related experts to determine which projects will be funded.
Proposals are being accepted year-round in two areas:
Feasibility Projects—Funding of up to $30,000 is available for projects that seek to provide a proof of concept and/or will open the possibility for access to other funds.
Operational Projects—Funding of up to $50,000 annually for up to three years is available for projects targeted at implementation or more thorough study of issues or problems to develop solutions.Larger requests (up to $100,000 per year) will be considered but must provide strong reasoning and show broad partnerships to support the need of the project.
Preproposals are required.Please see the RFP for all application requirements, procedures, and deadlines.
For more information, please contact Azure Cygler or Marta Gomez-Chiarri or visit the PRESS website.

This initiative was established through NOAA with funding secured by Senator Jack Reed, is spearheaded by Marta Gomez-Chiarri, professor of fisheries and aquaculture at the University of Rhode Island, and is guided by an interdisciplinary team of seafood industry professionals, government agencies, nonprofits, and researchers.
Rhode Island Sea Grant University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography Narragansett, RI 02882 |