Webinar—How to Harvest Your Own Clams in Rhode Island, March 27, 2018, 2-3pm

Webinar: How to Harvest Your Own Clams in Rhode Island
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Brush Up Those Clamming Skills: Ready yourself for summer by joining URI Coastal Resources Center/Rhode Island Sea Grant sustainable seafood specialist Azure Cygler and local quahogging legend Jody King for a webinar. King, host of a state-sponsored “Come Clam With Me” summer program for the public, will share the basics of recreational clamming – from where to go and what to bring, to tools of the trade and tips for delicious clam dishes.
The webinar is a program of the Rhode Island Shellfish Initiative. The Initiative “honors the legacy and vital role shellfish play in supporting our environment, families, traditions, and economy. Through a partnership of government, business, academia, and community, the Initiative will strengthen our state’s shellfish management practices and promote growth and innovation within out local seafood industry.
For more information email/call Cygler at azure@crc.uri.edu or 401-874-6197
Presentations from the HAB Monitoring Workshop- September 2017
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) and partners held an informational meeting on September 12th to review Rhode Island’s new monitoring and contingency response plan for harmful algae blooms (HAB). Last year, Rhode Island experienced its first HAB caused by the presence of toxic phytoplankton in local waters; the event triggered an emergency closure of the state’s shellfishing areas. A subsequent bloom earlier this year resulted in a second emergency closure of some waters.
Presentations on HAB were given by DEM, RI Department of Health, and researchers at URI and DEM. All presentations are posted here HAB Monitoring Plan Workshop Presentations_Sept2017.
For more information on DEM programs and initiatives, visit www.dem.ri.gov. Follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RhodeIslandDEM or on Twitter (@RhodeIslandDEM) for timely updates.
Summary Notes from June 29th, State of Aquaculture in RI’s Salt Ponds Ready to Review

The State of Aquaculture in Rhode Island’s Salt Ponds
Thursday, June 29, 2017
5:00-7:00 pm
Kettle Pond Visitor’s Center
50 Bend Road
Charlestown, RI
Summary Notes- June 29, 2017 Aquaculture Meeting
Agenda The State of Aquaculture in the Salt Ponds | Aquaculture Fact Sheet
The public was invited to attend an education program focused on the state of aquaculture in Rhode Island’s Salt Ponds.The program featured experts who provided different perspectives on this topic and offered the community the opportunity to ask questions and share concerns about aquaculture.
The event is part of the Rhode Island Shellfish Initiative which recognizes the economic and cultural value of shellfish and is an effort of Governor Gina Raimondo and a host of partners — state agencies, industry, academic and community partners focused on leveraging collaborative and creative opportunities to sustainably manage local shellfish stock, promote economic growth and jobs, and celebrate Rhode Island’s unique food cultures.
Please contact Jennifer McCann at (401) 874-6127 or mccann@crc.uri.edu with questions or comments.
Releasing Making the Magic Videos–Lessons Learned from the Rhode Island Shellfish Management Plan

How do you create a comprehensive plan for state shellfish resources that is not only effective and efficient but reflects the needs of government, industry and community groups? Find out through this new film series: Making the Magic.
The SMP is the state’s first comprehensive plan for the management, protection and enhancement of shellfish resources; since plan adoption in 2014, more than 70 percent of SMP recommendations have been, or are being, implemented.
This effort is part of the Rhode Island Shellfish Initiative. The Initiative recognizes the economic and cultural value of shellfish to Rhode Island. Through it, state agencies, industry, academia and community partners will further efforts to sustainably manage local shellfish stock, promote economic growth and jobs, and celebrate Rhode Island’s unique food cultures.